- walk in walk out style.
- social groups that are opposites (popular vs unpopular)
- 4 people getting ready for school, different life styles to reflect their social class and hierarchy in school.
1. Four different people, the camera shows how each of them get ready in the morning. This process reflects their personality
- by the "nerdy" unpopular students not being on time and having to rush to get ready.
- the popular and socially independant students waking up early and allowing enough time to spend on getting ready
- popular students not being part of the rest of the schools atmosphere because they dont share the same interests, so stick to just them selves.
2. Establishing shot to show that the film would be mainly based in a school.
3. The two groups would meet in the hallway/canteen.
4. The groups would have a 'glare-off' then walk in separate directions.

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