Usually with a high school drama, it is based in a school/college.
The plot of the story is to basically show the common teenage life - an example: two teens, usually a boy and a girl, they meet, they fall in love. Or something like bestfriends falling out, fights which show who is the bully in the school and his troubles everyday to get through school life without getting kicked out.
High school drama doesn't always show just the teens, it also shows the teachers and parents. This helps to set the the time and location at times. An example of a high school drama is Mean Girls.
Youth Drama:
Youth drama are usually telling the life of a young person, outside of school. This means they would be filmed in the streets of most to known dangerous places.
The film may contain things from just teenagers on the streets to following gang crimes, which involve drug dealings or even killings. This may include more boys than girls as that is the common stereotype. If there are girls involve they too would be in for the wrong reasons. An example of a youth drama is My Murder.