How did you attract/address your audience?
The most important way to attract audience is to make the product presentable, something that will attract an audience. The style of our films title credits was one we thought could be eye-catching. We noticed that when watching the beginning of a film, the audience doesn't really focus on the title credits unless they are brightly colored or funky (different type of font- not from the usual.)
The way we were trying to present that characters, meant that we had to focus of making the mise-en-scene to their personalities, this meant that for the location and settings, when we were filming in a bedroom, we made sure to make it look a certain way, which meant having to maybe move things around, add in props such as flowers or video game controllers, to make the character fit in with the scene.
A long with the locations, we tried to make part of it a bit of a cliche, meaning when we had the costumes for our 'nerds' we had one with a batman jumper and another with a superman jumper. This was not on purpose, it actually came out in our favor, however it helps the audience to understand that they are most likely the least popular and maybe even make them laugh a bit because two best friends who wear similar clothing has always been something that makes people laugh.
In regards to the sound for the opening sequence, we thought that a song that would have more of an up-beat, energetic sound would fit in with the movie. This is because, the music of nowadays tends to be very upbeat, fast and making the audience listen to something they will most likely like, means they will probably end up watching through the whole thing. It's about capturing the audience right from the beginning.
The film name is something that is VERY urban. It mostly contains slang words such as 'TBH' and 'UR'. These are words that we know for a fact that teenagers nowadays use to talk to friends. Having the title in a way that the teens might like means they easily understand and feel like they might relate to them.
After making 3 roughtcuts we had feedback each time we thought we had finished. The feedback was however, brilliant, it helped us see clearly what we needed to do, what needed to be changed or added into our opening sequence.
Not only did it benefit us, but if also helped the audience as receiving the feedback meant that we could have the possibility to make it better for the audiences view. Changed such as the font of the title credits or the type of soundtracks we used. All the feedback we got was used.
In order to get as many viewers as possible, we reached out to them in as many ways as we could. The best way we could think of was one that we were pretty sure everyone in the age range we were aiming for had - some type of social network.
The first thing I made was a Twitter page @Candi_group9 . The page included pictures with our daily behind the scenes activity and even pictures of when were on set filming and even re-filming.
We had our friends follow from our personal Twitter accounts and got the word spreading on Group 9's production.
The second thing we did is after the final opening sequence was done, we uploaded it onto Youtube where we know for a fact people will see, the YouTube channel, however, the video that is up is one that has annotations added to it
I dont think our film have attracted any other audience than the one we planned it out for, this is because it related more to the audience between 15-25 (GOV Statistics for High School Drama)