Title of film:
Brief outline of film: Throughout the film we are shown
different events, such as the lives of the nerds and the lives of the most
popular people.
The reason that there is so much tension between the boy and
one of the girls
Brief outline of opening sequence:
In the opening sequence, we are going to be presented with
the main characters of the film. We are shown the characters in their daily
routine, from the moment they wake up and start to get ready to go to school,
to the moment they are in school. We follow them through their journey to
school and it gives the audience an idea of what they might be like, the nerd
or the most un-liked person in school.
When they reach to school, late, they bump into each other
and tension is created, from this we instantly know who is who in this movie.
At this point, we are shown the names and the actors who are starring.