Sunday 8 March 2015

40. Revision to pitch feedback

Most of our feedback was positive. The audience who viewed our pitch said several things. Here is what they said.  

- The detailed production plan. Allowed them to see the dates of each stage of production. From this, we can see that we need to stick to the plan as it is important we have enough time to follow through with all the steps. 
- The layout of our pitch. We were told that our pitch was laid out really well and that we showed each step really clearly. It was a clear concept and people got our idea.
- We were also able to explain the different skills we felt confident in. They showed the viewers that we will be able to complete our product successfully. 

- Lack of storyboard. As we are behind the idea of our title sequence, we know in our heads how it will look like but other people don't. This is why we need to create a storyboard to show other people our ideas. Creating a storyboard will also help us with the shots we need for each character and not just make it up on the spot. 
- More detail about the audience. We didn't have much information about what type of audience would be drawn to our film. We think that, while filming we need to think how we want to connect with audience via the representation of the characters. 
- Not appealing to over 30s. As this film is a high school drama, we are not really worried about connecting with the over 30s. However, we see how even the title (TBH UR not all that) can not relate to the auidence. But, we feel like if in the film we somehow try to explain it (for example, one of the characters say what TBH stands for very slyly). 

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